{The rite of ordination of a priest is taken from the latest
edition of the Roman Pontifical, Part I, issued on February 28, 1962.}
The ordination of a priest must normally take place within the
Mass, after the tract has been sung or recited up to the last verse
exclusive; or on certain days before the alleluia verse.
The bishop is seated on the faldstool, which has been placed for him at the middle of the altar. He is wearing the mitre.
The candidates are vested in amice, alb, maniple, and stole worn
in the manner of a deacon. Over the left arm they carry a folded
chasuble, the vestment of priesthood; and in the right hand a lighted
candle and the white linen hand, used later to bind their hands (in some
places the band is attached to the cincture).
The Preparatory Ceremony
{The first part of the rite consists of the calling of the
ordinands and the formal presentation of them to the bishop; the reading
of the interdict; the archdeacon's petition and testimony; and the
bishop's address to the ordinands.}
The archdeacon summons the ordinands with the formula: Let those who are to be ordained to the order of priesthood come forward.
As their names are read out one by one by the notary, each one
replies: "Present" and steps forward; they arrange themselves in a
semicircle before the bishop and kneel.
Then one of the assistants reads the interdict, a last warning
that if anyone receives the sacrament under false pretences, he will
incur the penalty of excommunication.
The most reverend father and ruler in Christ, His Excellency,
N.N., by the grace of God and of the Apostolic See Bishop of N.,
commands and charges, under pain of excommunication, that no one here
present for the purpose of taking orders shall come forward to be
ordained under any pretext, if he be irregular, excommunicated by law or
by judicial sentence, under interdict or suspension, illegitimate,
infamous, or in any other way disqualified, or of another diocese,
unless he has the permission of his bishop. He enjoins, moreover, that
none of the ordained shall depart until the Mass is over and the
bishop's blessing has been received.
Now the archdeacon presents the candidates to the bishop, saying:
Most Reverend Father, our holy Mother the Catholic Church asks
you to ordain these deacons here present to the burden of the
The bishop inquires:
Do you know if they are worthy?
The archdeacon replies:
As far as human frailty allows one to know, I am certain and I
testify that they are worthy to undertake the burden of this office.
The bishop says:
Thanks be to God.
The Bishop's Address
{In the first place the bishop addresses himself to the clergy
and the people, consulting with them about the fitness of the men who
are being presented for ordination. This is reminiscent of olden times
when the custom prevailed of having priests and other clergy chosen by
the will of the people. It must be kept in mind, then, that in the
present discipline of the Church the people can merely raise objections,
but it is the bishop who makes the choice.}
The bishop addresses the clergy and the people as follows:
My dear brethren, since the captain of a ship and its passengers
alike have reason to feel safe or else in danger on a voyage, they ought
to be of one mind in their common interests. Not without reason, then,
have the fathers decreed that the people too should be consulted in the
choice of those who are to be raised to the ministry of the altar.
For sometimes it happens that one or another person has knowledge
about the life and conduct of a candidate that is not generally known.
And the people will necessarily be more inclined to be loyal to a priest
if they have given consent to his ordination.
As far as I can judge, the conduct of these deacons, who with
God's help are to be ordained to the priesthood, is commendable and is
pleasing to God. In my opinion, then, they are deserving of being
promoted to a higher honor in the Church. Yet it is well to consult the
people as a whole, rather than to rely on one or a few, whose approval
might be a consequence of partiality or of misjudgment.
Be perfectly free, then, to say what you know about the conduct
and character of the candidates and what you think of their fitness. But
let your approval of their elevation to the priesthood be based more on
their merits than on your own affection for them. Consequently, if
anyone has anything against them, let him for God's honor and in God's
name come forward and sincerely speak his mind. Only let him remember
his own state.
After a brief pause the bishop continues, addressing himself now in exhortation to the candidates:
My dear sons, who are about to be consecrated to the office of
the priesthood, endeavor to receive that office worthily, and once
ordained, strive to discharge it in a praiseworthy manner. A priest's
duties are to offer sacrifice, to bless, to govern, to preach, and to
baptize. So high a dignity should be approached with great awe, and care
must be taken that those chosen for it are recommended by eminent
wisdom, upright character, and a long-standing virtuous life.
Thus it was that when the Lord commanded Moses to choose as his
helpers seventy men from the whole tribe of Israel, to whom He would
impart the gifts of the Holy Spirit, He said to him: "Choose the ones
whom you know to be elders of the people" (Num 11.16). It is you
yourselves who are prefigured in these seventy elders, if now, by the
help of the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit, you are faithful to the
Ten Commandments, and display soundness and maturity in knowledge and in
Under the same kind of sign and figure, our Lord, in the New Law,
chose the seventy-two disciples, and sent them before Him two by two to
preach. Thus He taught us both by word and by deed that the ministers
of His Church should be perfect both in faith and in works; in other
words, that their lives should be founded on the twofold love of God and
of neighbor. Strive, then, to be such, that by God's grace you may be
worthy of being chosen to assist Moses and the twelve apostles, that is,
the Catholic bishops who are prefigured by Moses and the apostles. Then
indeed is Holy Church surrounded, adorned, and ruled by a wonderful
variety of ministers, when from her ranks are consecrated bishops, and
others of lesser orders, priests, deacons, and subdeacons, each of a
different dignity, yet comprising the many members of the one body of
Therefore, my dear sons, chosen as you are by the judgment of our
brethren to be consecrated as our helpers, keep yourselves blameless in
a life of chastity and sanctity. Be well aware of the sacredness of
your duties. Be holy as you deal with holy things. When you celebrate
the mystery of the Lord's death, see to it that by mortifying your
bodies you rid yourselves of all vice and concupiscence. Let the
doctrine you expound be spiritual medicine for the people of God. Let
the fragrance of your lives be the delight of Christ's Church, that by
your preaching and example you help to build up the edifice which is the
family of God. May it never come about that we, for promoting you to so
great an office, or you, for taking it on yourselves, should deserve
the Lord's condemnation; but rather may we merit a reward from Him. So
let it be by His grace.
All: Amen.
Litany of the Saints
If ordination to the priesthood was not preceded earlier by
ordination to the subdiaconate or the diaconate, then the Litany of the
Saints is chanted at this time. During the litany the candidates humbly
lie prostrate on the floor of the sanctuary. The bishop kneels on the
altar predella. For the litany see Litany of the Saints (and for the
music see the music supplement).
After the invocation "That you grant eternal rest to all the
faithful departed" the bishop stands and turns to the ordinands (who
remain prostrate on the floor). Holding the crozier in his left hand and
still wearing the mitre, the bishop chants or recites the following:
That you bless
these elect. R. We beg you to hear us.
That you bless
and sanctify
these elect. R. We beg you to hear us.
That you bless
and sanctify
and consecrate these elect. R. We beg you to hear us.
Then the bishop kneels again at the faldstool, and the chanters
finish the litany up to "Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord have
mercy," inclusive.
The Laying-on of Hands
{When the litany is ended the candidates rise and go in pairs to
kneel before the bishop. The bishop places both his hands on the head of
each candidate in turn, without saying anything. This very simple
though impressive action, unaccompanied by prayer or chant, is called
the essential matter of the sacrament. It signifies that the power of
priesthood is conferred by the bishop imposing hands on the candidate,
transmitting to the latter the power which the bishop himself has
received from Christ through the apostles and their successors.}
After the bishop has imposed hands on them, they return to their
former place and kneel. When all are in place the bishop holds his right
hand outstretched over them. Next the priests who are present come
forward and lay both their hands on the head of each candidate Then,
forming a semicircle beginning at the gospel side, they stand behind the
candidates and hold their right hand outstretched over them just as the
bishop is doing.
The act of the priests taking part in the ceremony of laying-on
of hands is perhaps a relic of the time when more than one bishop took
part in the ordination of priests, and each bishop present imposed hands
on the ordinands. The present ceremony of the priests, imposing hands
has no other purpose than to make more forceful the outward sign of
power being conferred through this kind of action.
The bishop (wearing the mitre) now says the following prayer:
My brethren, let us implore God the Father almighty to multiply
His heavenly gifts in these servants of His whom He has chosen for the
office of the priesthood. May they fulfill by His grace the office they
receive by His goodness; through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Then the bishop removes the mitre, turns to the altar, and says:
Let us pray.
The ministers: Let us kneel down. R. Arise.
Then the bishop turns around to the ordinands and says:
Hear us, we pray, O Lord God, and pour out on these servants of
yours the blessing of the Holy Spirit and the power of priestly grace.
And now as we present them for consecration in your benign presence, may
you sustain them forever by the bounty of your gifts. We ask this
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
Here the bishop extends his hands and chants or recites the conclusion to the preceding prayer and the following versicles:
B: Forever and ever.
All: Amen.
B: The Lord be with you.
All: May He also be with you.
B: Lift up your hearts.
All: We have lifted them up to the Lord.
B: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: It is fitting and right to do so.
The Solemn Prayer and Form of the Sacrament
{This very beautiful prayer, also called the consecratory
preface, is the actual form of the sacrament, and in early times the
Roman rite for ordination had nothing more than a prayer or prayers of
this kind, along with the imposition of hands. A theology of the
sacrament could quite easily be constructed on this prayer. In brief, it
asks for God's grace, for He is the source of all honors and dignities,
as also of all growth and order. It states the principle that God's
loving providence guides His rational creatures through stages of
gradual progress and perfection. It points out how this principle
operated in the Old Testament, in God's choosing Moses and the seventy
elders to assist Him; and in the New, in Christ's choosing the apostles
and their successors to carry out the ministry of His Church. Then
follows a petition that the bishop may have helpers in the men being
ordained, who will prove themselves to be elders in the best sense of
the term. Lastly the Holy Spirit and His gifts are invoked on the
candidates, that they be raised to the priesthood and be filled with the
holiness which should characterize this office.}
The bishop continues with the consecratory preface:
It is indeed fitting and right, praiseworthy and salutary that we
should always and everywhere give thanks to you, O holy Lord, almighty
Father, everlasting God, the source of all honors and the dispenser of
all dignities. Through you all things make progress and receive their
permanence. In accord with your wise designs all rational creatures
advance to a higher excellence. And in accord with this same principle
the various grades of priests and the offices of levites, instituted for
sacred functions, grew and developed. For after appointing chief
priests to rule the people, you selected men of lesser degree and second
rank to be their associates and their helpers. Thus in the desert you
propagated Moses' spirit in the hearts of seventy judicious men, with
whose help he was enabled to govern easily the countless multitude. Thus
too you imbued Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron, with the
abundant graces of their father, in order to assure a sufficient number
of priests for the offering of saving sacrifices and the performance of
the more common sacred rites. By the same providence, O Lord, you gave
the apostles of your Son associate teachers of the faith, and by their
help as preachers of a second rank the apostles made their voice heard
to the ends of the earth. Therefore, we beg you, Lord, to support us in
our weakness with similar helpers, for inasmuch as we are weaker, so
much the more we stand in need of them.
The Essential Form
At this point the bishop interrupts the chant and recites the
following words, which constitute the essential form of the sacrament:
Almighty Father, we pray that you bestow on these servants of
yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew in their hearts the spirit of
holiness, so that they may be steadfast in this second degree of the
priestly office received from you, O God, and by their own lives suggest
a rule of life to others.
Here the bishop resumes the chant of the rest of the preface:
May they be prudent fellow-workers in our ministry. May they
shine in all the virtues, so that they will be able to give a good
account of the stewardship entrusted to them. and finally attain the
reward of everlasting blessedness.
The bishop recites the conclusion in a low voice, but loud enough to be heard by those near him:
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives
and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and
All: Amen.
Investiture of the New Priests
Now the newly ordained priests go and kneel before the bishop one
by one. The bishop is seated on the faldstool and is wearing the mitre.
He takes the stole, until now worn by the newly ordained on the left
shoulder, draws it over the right shoulder, and arranges it in the form
of a cross over the chest (in the manner worn by a priest). As he does
so he says to each one:
Take the yoke of the Lord, for His yoke is sweet and His burden light.
Next he invests each one with the chasuble, leaving it folded and
pinned at the back but hanging down in front. As he does so he says:
Take the vestment of priesthood which signifies charity; for God is able to advance you in charity and in perfection.
To this the ordained adds: Thanks be to God.
The bishop rises, removes the mitre, and says the following prayer, during which all the others kneel:
O God, the source of all holiness, whose consecration is ever
effective, whose blessing is ever fulfilled, pour out on these servants
of yours, whom we now raise to the dignity of the priesthood, the gift
of your blessing. By their noble and exemplary lives let them prove that
they are really elders of the people, and true to the norms laid down
by Paul to Timothy and Titus. Let them meditate on your law day and
night, so that they may believe what they have read, and teach what they
have believed, and practice what they have taught. May justice,
constancy, mercy, courage, and all the other virtues be reflected in
their every way of acting. May they inspire others by their example, and
hearten them by their admonitions. May they keep pure and spotless the
gift of their high calling. For the worship of your people may they
change bread and wine into the body and blood of your Son by a holy
consecration. May they through persevering charity mature "unto the
perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ," and
rise on the day of the just and eternal judgment of God with a good
conscience, true faith, and the full gifts of the Holy Spirit. We ask
this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
All: Amen.
The bishop kneels, facing the altar, and intones the hymn, "Veni
Creator" which is then continued by the choir (for the music see the
music supplement):
Veni Creator
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
And in our souls take up your rest;
Come with your grace and heavenly aid
To fill the hearts which you have made.
O Comforter, to you we cry,
You heavenly gift of God Most High,
You, fount of life and fire of love,
And sweet anointing from above.
You in your sevenfold gifts are known;
You, finger of God's hand we own;
You, promise of the Father, you
Who do the tongue with power imbue.
Kindle our senses from above,
And make our hearts o'erflow with love;
With patience firm and virtue high
The weakness of our flesh supply.
Far from us drive the foe we dread,
And grant us your peace instead;
So shall we not, with you for guide,
Turn from the path of life aside.
Oh, may your grace on us bestow
The Father and the Son to know;
And you, through endless times confessed,
Of both the eternal Spirit blest.
Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
With you, O holy Comforter,
Henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.
The Anointing of Hands
After the first verse of the hymn the bishop rises and sits on
the faldstool (wearing the mitre). He removes his gloves but puts the
episcopal ring back on his finger. The gremiale is placed over his
knees. The ordained come forward and one by one kneel before the bishop.
He then takes the oil of catechumens and anoints both of their hands
which they hold together palms upward. First he anoints the inside of
the hands, tracing a cross from the thumb of the right hand to the index
finger of the left, and from the thumb of the left hand to the index
finger of the right. Next he anoints the entire palms. He says as he
performs the anointings:
May it please you, O Lord, to consecrate and sanctify these hands by this anointing and our
All: Amen.
And having made the sign of the cross over the hands of the ordained he continues:
That whatever they bless may be blessed, and whatever they consecrate may be consecrated in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To the above form each of the ordained adds:
Then the bishop closes or joins together the hands of the
ordained. The latter, keeping his hands joined, goes to the side of the
altar where one of the assistants of the bishop binds the consecrated
hands together with a white cloth, leaving the fingers free. Each of the
ordained goes back to his place. The bishop cleanses his fingers with a
piece of bread.
Presentation of the Host and Chalice
The bishop now presents each of the ordained with a chalice
containing wine and water and a paten upon it with a host. The ordained
touches with the fore and middle fingers both the paten and the cur of
the chalice. During this ceremony the bishop says:
Receive the power to offer sacrifice to God, and to celebrate Masses for the living and the dead, in the name of the Lord.
All: Amen.
Having cleansed his hands the bishop goes to the throne or to the
faldstool at the epistle side. Mass is resumed with the singing of the
last verse of the tract or sequence or alleluia verse.
Concelebration of the Mass
After the offertory antiphon the bishop puts on the mitre and is
seated before the middle of the altar. The ordained come to the altar,
and two by two kneel before the bishop and present him with a lighted
candle, kissing his hand as they do so. After this they return to their
From now on all the newly ordained priests pray the Mass along
with the bishop, saying all prayers aloud, even those usually said in a
low voice. They receive the kiss of peace from the bishop at the usual
time. At holy communion the ordained, before receiving the sacred host,
say "Amen" to the formula and then kiss the bishop's ring.
After receiving communion they go to the epistle side of the
altar to partake of some wine, not from the chalice which the bishop has
consecrated, but from another containing ordinary wine. One of the
assisting priests holds a chalice and a purificator in readiness for
this purpose.
After taking the ablution and washing his hands, the bishop
removes the mitre, stands at the epistle side, and intones the following
responsories, which are continued by the choir (for the music see the
music supplement):
No longer do I call you servants * but my friends, for you have known all things I have wrought in your midst, (alleluia).*
Receive the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, within you. * It is He whom the Father will send to you, (alleluia).
V. You are my friends if you do the things that I command you. * Receive the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, within you.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. * It is He whom the Father will send to you, (alleluia).
The alleluia is omitted from Septuagesima to Easter.
Having said the responsory the bishop puts on the mitre, goes to
the middle of the altar, and turns to the ordained. The latter now
recite the Creed which is a summary of the faith they will henceforth
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and
earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by
the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell, the
third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and
sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty, from there He shall
come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the
holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
The Commission to Absolve
When the Creed is finished the bishop sits on the faldstool at
the middle of the altar (he is wearing the mitre). As the ordained kneel
before him one by one, he places both his hands on the head of the
ordained and says to each one:
Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are
forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.
Then the bishop unfolds the chasuble, which the ordained has worn
folded on his shoulders until now; and as he lets the chasuble drop at
the back he says to each one:
The Lord clothe you with the robe of innocence.
The Promise of Obedience
Then each of the ordained comes again before the bishop, kneels
and places his folded hands between the hands of the bishop. If the
bishop is the Ordinary of the ordained he says to him:
Do you promise me and my successors reverence and obedience?
The priest replies: I promise.
But if the bishop is not the Ordinary of the newly ordained he says to him as he holds his hands (if he is a secular priest):
Do you promise reverence and obedience to the bishop who is your Ordinary for the time being? R: I promise.
Or he says to a priest of a religious order:
Do you promise reverence and obedience to the prelate who is your Ordinary for the time being? R: I promise.
Then the bishop, still holding the newly ordained's hands within his own, kisses him on the right cheek, saying:
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
The ordained responds: Amen.
Admonition and Blessing
Afterward when the ordained have returned to their place, the
bishop sits down, puts on the mitre, takes the crozier, and addresses
the ordained as follows:
My dear sons, as the office you are undertaking is hazardous
enough, I admonish you, before you begin to celebrate Mass, to learn
carefully from other experienced priests the ritual of the whole
Mass--the consecration, the breaking of the host, and the communion.
The bishop rises, and retaining the mitre and crozier, blesses the priests who kneel before him, saying in a loud voice:
May the blessing of almighty God, Father,
and Holy
come upon you, that you may be blessed in the priestly order, and may
offer for the sins and transgressions of the people appeasing sacrifices
to almighty God, to whom be honor and glory forever and ever.
All: Amen.
At the end of Mass the bishop gives the pontifical blessing in the usual way:
B: Blessed be the name of the Lord.
All: Now and forevermore.
B: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth.
B: May almighty God bless you, the Father,
and Holy
All: Amen.
Final Exhortation
The bishop sits down and speaks a final word to the ordained, saying:
My dear sons, ponder well the order you have taken and the burden
laid on your shoulders. Strive to lead a holy and devout life, and to
please almighty God, that you may obtain His grace. May He in His
kindness deign to bestow it on you.
Now that you have been ordained to the priesthood, may I ask you,
after you have offered your first Mass, to celebrate three other
Masses, namely, one in honor of the Holy Spirit, a second in honor of
blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, and a third for the faithful departed. I
ask you also to pray to almighty God for me.
Mass is concluded as usual.
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