Tuesday 28 May 2013

Gay or Lesbian Relationships or Marriage, Is it Right?

Is a Man & Man or Woman & Woman relationship or even marriage right?

Without relying upon religious teaching or social norms of acceptance, it is certainly not natural.

Human beings are creatures of reason, born with the ability to think and to reason which differentiates us from animals.

We therefore only need to look around and observe the world to come to a logical opinion.

We are all familiar with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Daisy Duck, Cinderella and Prince Charming. 

Would it not feel strange and against our reasoning to see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck getting married or having sexual relations?

Whether one is religious, agnostic or an atheist, the laws of nature or natural inclination will tell us that the natural order is Boy Girl, Boy Girl. In the animal kingdom, we do not see male and male or female and female pairings.  

Why have sexual relations between persons in the first place?

Human beings by design and creation are sexual creatures. Like animals, humans are inbuilt with sexual desire and sexual organs. Why? Simple, to procreate, to produce offspring, children to continue populating the world and to prevent extinction of the human race. 

For procreation, the sexual act of intercourse is required between a male and female. It is not possible between same genders. This is basic science and the natural order. 

We see animals do this act of procreation quite naturally, as a matter of course acting out their naturally designed desires and attraction between a male and female animal without hesitation or embarrassment. 

The difference between animals and humans is what we would call our 'brain', our 'conscience', our 'soul' or 'free will' that tells us inwardly what is right and wrong and the mind to choose what to do or what not to do. Hence, we have the ability to think and choose not to parade around nude like animals and mate with the nearest willing partner when in heat. 

It is also this mind that allows us humans to choose the sexual partner. Indeed we often look at another person (usually the opposite sex) in terms of attractiveness because we are subconsciously discerning if the 'target' would be a suitable mate (a natural animalistic instinct) based on the human desire to procreate. 

In simple language, it is in our DNA to procreate but we humans have reasoning and 'free will' to choose who and when.

Therefore, if we admit that a man and a woman is designed by nature to procreate, then we must admit that a same gender man to man or female to female sexual relationship is not natural. We have the reasoning to know this is not meant to be so and it will not result in procreation. We do not need any religious teaching to tell us this fact.

It can also therefore be said that same gender sexual activity is wrong and immoral because it goes against morals and values of society. If we did not already know this from science and normal social behaviour, religious teachings make it a point to highlight that it is unacceptable and wrong.

If we establish that same gender sexual relations is not logical and not natural which therefore should not be permitted, then we need to next ask why does it happen and why do people become gay or lesbian?

Using the reasoning of natural law, a gay male or lesbian female has used their 'mind' and exercised their 'free will' to discern that their sexual desires are pointed at their own gender. They make a reasoned choice to ignore the visual clues that their sexual organs are similar to that of their desired partner. 

Gays and lesbians argue that their 'choice' of same gender sexual relations is a natural feeling. They claim to be more comfortable and have greater desires or attraction for their own gender. Humans being sexual creatures will have feelings and desires. In some, perhaps a natural imbalance of hormones on the wrong side of nature to create a desire to be considered towards the same gender. However, if only desires are followed, then we are animals and not human beings. Humans are able to think and reason and the choice is still made by the human upon those desires. The human has reasoning capability to make the correct natural choice despite confused feelings. Nature also left visual clues of sexual organs on the body if confused. 

Therefore all gays and lesbians choose to be gay or lesbian. They were not born gay or lesbian, a conscious choice is made. Free will has been exercised.

In a Christian context, one might ask why God allows this. The answer is simple and obvious, free will. God does not like it or approve of it but allows it as He will not interfere in a human's choice give by Him. 

Without bias or being discriminatory, we can also thus conclude the gay or lesbian has a 'mental disfunction' or a 'sick mind' because they choose to do something unnatural and against logic. 

To illustrate the point of mental illness, we only need to consider the behaviour of some lesbians or gays. We often see two females who are a 'couple' where one dresses like a male (short hair style, dressed in male clothing) and acts the part of the dominant male and the female partner dresses up as an attractive woman often playing the part of the weaker damsel. 

Firstly, is this natural? Secondly, are not these 'couples' trying to act out what is actually natural, trying to be a man and woman? 

On the gay male side, these males dress up as women, adopt female behaviour and many surgically remove their sexual organ to be more female with full knowledge that they can never be a female without ovaries.

Moving from same gender sexual relations to 'Same Gender Marriage' , we need to ask the gay or lesbian couple the question, 'Why do you want to get Married?', 'What is the purpose?' 

We can be sure the answer will not be 'to start a family and have babies'. The usual reasoning given is to spend their lives together and the desire to conform to social norms of being a married couple.

Marriage in legal perspective, the lawful the union of man and woman. Present day gay and lesbian activists pressure governments to allow the lawful union of man and man or woman and woman. But why ask for this change in the law? If we look deeper of why the law requires a marriage to be registered, it is because it legitimises any offspring or children from that union. To provide lawful guardianship and rights of the child to citizenship of their parents. Laws of countries also protect women's rights and marriage and divorce laws support this philosophy or the union of man and woman, not same gender marriages.

Looking further into the desire of wanting same gender marriages approved by law, some gay and lesbian couples argue they want to get married to adopt kids. Whilst some countries may require a man and woman couple to adopt a child, it is generally accepted that anyone can individually adopt a child without the need to be married. I would argue it would be mental abuse of a child for him or her to grow up confused having either two daddies or two mummies whilst others have a father and mother.

So the reason of adopting children does not hold up which leaves the desire to live together as partners, two friends, possible 'best friends'. But there is no law anywhere in the world that prevent two friends or best friends who share the same values and aspirations from living together. 

If we look from the social acceptance perspective, marriage is not needed. Couples call themselves 'Partners' and live together and have children. 

Therefore, we can only conclude that gay and lesbian couples ask to marry because they desire for  society to endorse and recognise under law their unnatural sexual activities and acts under the pretext of 'marriage'.  

Without even bringing religion into the reasoning, why should society endorse and approve such a union? 

There is no basis to support gay or lesbian marriages.

A Christian Perspective

From a Christian or Catholic perspective, marriage is the union between a man and a woman out of love for each other where they desire to dedicate themselves to each other and live together as man and wife, for better and for worse until death. They enjoy guiltless sexual relations with each other with the intent and readiness to accept offspring from their union. They are prepared to be a father and mother to raise their child as one. 

There are numerous teachings that marriage is between a husband and wife, man and woman. 

The strongest Christian law on this matter is found in the ten commandments. In particular commandment number 5, "Honour Thy Father & Mother". It is quite clear that it does not say honour thy parents but specifies a father and a mother. It is obvious it is meant within the context of marriage because commandment number 7 says "Do not Commit Adultery" which implies a warning to the married couple. This commandment also implies that sexual relations must happen between a man and woman for adultery to take place. 

Therefore, just from the commandments, we can conclude it is God's will that sexual relationships are meant only between a husband and a wife (man and woman) and meant for procreation. 

If we look at Genesis and the creation story, God created Adam & Eve, a man and a woman. God did not create another man to accompany Adam. God created Eve for Adam, taking a rib from man to create woman.

Jesus re-emphasised the will of God on this topic in Matthew Chapter 19 versus 3 to 9 in replying to a question if divorce was possible for any reason: 

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’]? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

It is very clear from what Jesus said:
  1. God made male and female (verse 4)
  2. A man (child) will leave his father and mother (clearly indicated as a man and woman) to marry (verse 5)
  3. A man leaves his father and mother to be united with his wife and will together be one flesh. (verse 5) This is Jesus confirming only a man and a woman can marry and they become one. There is no possibility for same gender marriage.
  4. Divorce is not possible (verse 6) except for sexual immorality (verse 7)
  5. Jesus uses clear words "marries another woman" (verse 7) in reference to a man who divorces his wife would commit adultery except for sexual immorality. It is clear a man marries a woman. It is also obvious the exception of sexual immorality does not mean a man marrying or having sexual relations with another man or woman and another woman.
There can therefore be no doubt that it is not God's will for sexual relations to occur between the same gender and that marriage is only for a man and a woman.

1 comment:

  1. So damn good, right well said. Oooops pardon the language
